Thursday, June 21, 2012

Characters of Shaun the Sheep


He’s the sheep that doesn’t follow the flock. Curious, ingenious and always on the lookout for fun, Shaun’s farmyard antics keep the sheep on their toes - not to mention Bitzer!


Shaun’s long suffering-friend Bitzer puts the ‘sheep’ into ‘sheep dog’. As a faithful friend, he does his best to keep his woolly pals out of trouble! All Bitzer really wants is a quiet country life, but that’s the last thing he’s going to get in this farmyard!


As one big mama, Shirley is an eating machine. Four times the size of any other sheep; she’s a real heavyweight and often gets stuck, leaving the other sheep to push, pull, or catapult her out of trouble! Shirley also comes in pretty handy when Shaun needs a soft landing!


Don’t be fooled by his baby-faced, dummy-sucking charms. Timmy may be cute and cuddly but he has an uncanny knack of getting into trouble! Good thing Shaun and his four-legged friends are around to save his fleece!

Timmy's Mother
Wears curlers in her hair, and is a bit careless about maternal duties, even using Timmy once as some sort of a paint brush. But when her offspring goes astray, she is inconsolable until he is safely back in her care. She is also Shaun's aunt.

The Flock
When they’re not chewing the cud, this woolly bunch likes to play and create havoc around the farmyard. And when Shaun gets an idea, they’re only too happy to follow his lead. Once a sheep, always a sheep eh!

The Farmer

He looks like he’s a pork pie short of a picnic. So it’s not surprising that the unsuspecting Farmer is totally oblivious to his flock’s (as well as his dog’s) human-like intelligence and their human-like antics. Will he ever wise-up to what’s going on?

The Pigs

These three not-so-little pigs are always getting the sheep into bother. They’re the bane of Shaun’s life and mock the flock at every opportunity. Troublesome, bad-mannered and greedy if only these pigs would fly! Where’s the big baah-d wolf when you need him? Bitzer… here boy!


Shaun’s nemesis, Pidsley is a moggy with a mission: to upset the flock. He’s also jealous of Bitzer’s bond with his master the Farmer, and will do anything to be the centre of his affections. Someone get this cat a saucer of milk. Meoww!

Shaun the Sheep is my favourite animation.

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