Friday, December 19, 2008

Writing key to make a good blog

In today, content is main key for a blogger to exist in blogging world. The content can consist information, aritle, writer's experience, copy information from other site, promotion a something, download software maybe, and etc. Every content have a value and quality, where is describe about writer or owner of that blog. As example, if the article in a blog always update, so reader will more often to enter to the blog, to take and reading about the article. That's way to make reader never boring with our content, so we(blogger) must always to update our content time to time. Besides, our blog will full with reader, our blog also will popular in blogging world. Because, more and more people have know our blog, they will telling ourblog to other, that our content is good and always have new one.

There is some way or some success key to writing an article or information in our blog . One of them,we must honest in writing, don't copied other article without have a permission to owner, i often meet a blog with this problem, copying article without name of their source. It's can make some reader be confused about the source, beside it, it will make harm a source. It's better, we make aricle with own word setences, writing our experience and knowlegde, like that. We must make article with a special topic, not alloyed many topics in one article. In writing an article, we choose word and setences well, and always thinking that, our article have a good quality and can useful to other / reader.

In writing proccess, do that with free and happy, without compulsion. Your article must update or you can add a new article or more in a week, so blog always fresh with a new information, and more important, reader can understand and enjoying about it.

That is a opinion from me about a writing key an article. As a beginner, i'm sorry, if in my article there is some bad grammar and writing. In the end ,let's writing a good article for your blog.

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