Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Life doesn't be made hard, just enjoy it

This life really difficult deciphered deep mean writes and at print in one book. Sometime lives it distress sometime forlorn, among climax and antiklimas is hard to be predicted when will happen, we just can vigil to what do will happen. But that is life, ever be been created by coupled, am pleased coupled downcast, tag line with anticlimax, etcetera.

That life is adrift as current, that upstream our natal supposing, be that downstream final supposing lives we. Sometime lives we not until up to downstream but we was end, jammed current supposing and halting, one that eventual dry and lost by its heat the sun shines. That is life, no can be estimated and is determined, we just try to withstand and try to get better and beneficent.

Approximately such a that I feel present, at single-sided I feel happiness, meanwhile on the other side experience sadness and adversity that really deep. Life do ever revolve, pivot ridicules to serve a ball, don't know when is on and when under, even we don't know when we do not in position second that.

But whatever that, if we do ever get guidance on God's teaching and sincerity and prevailing regulation, therefore everything will well divide us. Since all result who we will get dependent of behaviour and process that we do. So as difficult as whatever and as easy as whatever that, one that we experience in life, we will can settle it. All that there is its process, so just enjoy our life, life once don't at hard make.

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