Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Unemployment, no until you experience it

Latterly numeral unemployment at our state gets crescent. Why is yes?
eventually average pengganguran that on the contrary person gets education. We are rural men visit, although their education zoom contemns, but they have willingness hard for living get sufficiency, they will utilize all kemampuanyang there is for forward. Severely is ardour that tall that don't everybody have it. On their behalf caste is not bounds for forward, " I also villager,.. he... he.. he..."

Now we return to main problem, unemployment. Of so much case which happens, that cause unemployment is not mark sense willingness and its a nervous breakdown someone after try apply for where unaccepted. According to my view, that really fairly, that man has tried in its own right but not find result that at wants. Have tried where its result makes a abode naught, empty, that makes they break expatiate and get lost spirit to look for job. For problem as it, its solution just one, continually tries and always pray on that The Infinite always been given force. No until you become unemployment because reason as it, you won't get your wish.

The most quite a few but the most rues is a lot of indigenous unemployment person that gets higher education. Now we just see, there are many master grad striplings, rich children that its job only unemployment, hither and thither don't aim. Now that deep look for job not only rely education zoom only, but yen and willingness balance shall also counterbalance it. You, although clever kayak whatever, if you have no to give a damn and willingness for job, you will become either one unemployment, remember, money doesn't come with own.

From now on counterbalances self you, besides you study you shall also look for experience. Remember without mark sense experience, we will be hard merealisasikan knowledge already we get. Let jointly reduce total unemployment, don't on the contrary add, OK!

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