Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The way of love

Love is thing most beautiful one always there is and accompanying each soul
Feel to embower cloud ridicule in the middle desert.
So warming intermediated by snow bulk at wintry
As sensed as semilir wind that blows to penetrate bone cools soul and heart.

Love doesn't get upstream and also gets downstream
No gets edge and get bounds, membentang along goes away fall to see
Pivot and filling each mankind heart niche
Drive out each exhausted and weary one teases its peace build

Aimless walking love and tenor
ever be dependent on mankind that gets it
Love never dark and criminal
just mankind that makes it as dark
love will make a abode to become love
until the world ends and no inhabited again

Love will never can be replaced by dislike
although dislike as big as and as extensive as universe
karna loves that clean and comes from heart
just man that tries to cover truth it

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