Friday, December 19, 2008, is the best

In last time, when i know internet first, i'm very stupid. I just know internet for browsing and find article. So, in a time, i'm reading an article about blogger, when i'm reading it frist, i'm confused, but i'm also felt happy. And then, for several day, i find more article about blogger, and i begin understand what of the meaning of blogging with blog. We can tell to other about our experience then we post them so all people in world can know about our experience. beside it, we can make a promotion about our bussiness in real world to promote and publishing in our blog, and we have purpose, the world be know about our bussiness, and maybe they will interest and make a company with us.

After i'm collecting all information about blog, and i know, is the best choice for me. Then i'm registering my name into The procces of registration is easy and fast, we just need maybe two untill five minutes, after that, we will get a name, and we just edit on next time. I will explain to you about registering your name to
First, you type " " on address bar in your browser.
Then you just following intructions, just 3 ways for finished all.

After you finished the proccess, you just login to , then you edit in your dashboard. In there you can change your blogger template, setting your blog, posting article, edit your template, adding wigdet, and more again. You can modify all of your blog in dashboard.

Ok, i will continues my story. After, i get name, i login to with my email and password, then i enter to dashboard. When i know dashboard for first, i'm confused, so i find to google about modify my blog. It's great, in google there is many article about it, i just take and read the article, and the end i know , i understand about how to make our blog be better. It's very enjoyed and interested if you have a blog. I say, " thank's very much to, because they have supply facility for begginer like us." is the best.

With blog in we can sharing anything, all information to other blogger. We can be more clever, we will get a new information, get a much knowlegde, and mre again about function of blog, i can't imagine it. So, if you never start blogging, please you make a blog in I guarantee you will get a new something that you can't get it if you're not start for now.
Let' go, make a change on your life with blog.

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