Friday, December 19, 2008

Make a blog after know internet

Never i can imagine, that i have a blog like now. Because, when i know about cyberspace i just know " internet" word, nothing else. When i take a high school, in my first class have a many computer, but without an internet connection. Every time, i just hear " internet" from radio, television, newspaper and from my brother in university. I seems, news about it is very interested for me. Since that time, i begin to collecting all information about it.

In my second class, my teacher introduce to me about internet definition and then me take a practices my lesson. I'm very happy, when my computer connected into internet. Then make a browser to find an artikel about my lesson. I feel happy and satisfied, internet is very enjoyed. From that time , i always more learning about internet . I often going to school laboratory to browsing internet, try to enter many sites, register e-mail, and more. From internet, i get much information about all segment and knowlegde, that's is very help to make me know about global information. If want to find something information, i just need a search engine in browser then enter the keyword, it's easiet way to get anything fastly. Very helpfull for us than we must ask to other people, i certain, it need more time to get information. We can send and receive message with e-mail service, we can download anything.

And then, i read artikel about blog. That artikel is very interest me. Then i make a blog, like this. Blog, for me, is proper online media to tell my experience, information and knowlegde for other. So,we can sharing information with other people in world. Blog is personal sites for someone, where someone can writing their experience. It's more usefull and specific than websites.

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